View Options

Configure Game View and apply specific settings for the system

VIEW OPTIONS is accessible from the Game View when pressing SELECT.

View Options menu

This Menu gives access to several options.

  • Ability to filter games (by text or other filters)

  • Select a random game from the system

  • Jump to the game beginning with a specified letter

  • Change game sorting

View Options

  • Define the view style (depends on Theme used)

  • Customize the Gamelist View

    • Gamelist Style

    • Theme options

    • Gamelist Theme Options

    • Gamelist Options (here you have the option to hide a specific file extension for a system)

Advanced System Options

  • Choose Emulator

  • General Settings (Shaders, decoration, Aspect Ratio, Vsync, Controller autoconfiguration...)

  • Advanced Settings (Specific settings per core/emulator that are injected to the Emulator by Retrobat)

Last updated

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