Doom III


Game engine to play Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil.


Bios Information

No BIOS required.


boom3 allows you to choose between 2 controller layouts from RetroBat menu.

Specific system information

File organization

Boom3 needs a file with the extension .boom3 to be placed in the roms\boom3 folder of your RetroBat installation.

The .boom3 must point to the subfolder and pak000.pk4 file:

Boom3 requires original .pk4 files from the Doom3 game and the Resurrection of Evil addon, you'll need the game data from a Doom3 installation patched to 1.3.1. Specifically, you'll need the following .pk4 files (base folder contains the original game data, d3xp contains the Resurrection of Evil game data):

└── roms/
    └── boom3/
        ├── Doom 3.boom3
        ├── Doom 3 - Resurrection of evil.boom3
        ├── base/
        │   ├── pak000.pk4
        │   ├── pak001.pk4
        │   ├── pak002.pk4
        │   ├── pak003.pk4
        │   ├── pak004.pk4
        │   ├── pak005.pk4
        │   ├── pak006.pk4
        │   ├── pak007.pk4
        │   └── pak008.pk4
        └── d3xp/
            ├── pak000.pk4 
            └── pak001.pk4

Last updated

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