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This wiki is the official RetroBat documentation.

You can use the main menu on the left hand side to navigate through the sections of the wiki.

  • If you are a beginner with RetroBat, you can head to the GET STARTED section and let it guide you through the installation and first setup steps.

  • If you are an advanced user and you are looking for information about a specific Game System, you can head over to the SUPPORTED GAME SYSTEMS section, which will provide information about available emulators, BIOS requirements and detailed per-system features.

  • The ADVANCED FEATURES section contains information about specific functionalities provided with RetroBat

The RetroBat team has also included some specific TUTORIALS that will be enhanced by the Team based on common support requirements.

If the information you are looking for does not exist (yet), you can reach out to the Team through the following channels:

Last but not least, if you want to support the project, please consider a donation, this will help us pay for the server infrastructure and get additional hardware for further compatibility.

The wiki is available in english and french languages

Thank you!

Last updated

Copyright The RetroBat Team 2019-2024